Paint it _____!
Paint is one of the most versatile ways to add color to a space and give it a fresh, inspired look. Paint is a great interiors medium, because it is relatively easy to correct, redo or change and there is an ever-changing spectrum of custom colors to choose from. It can be applied to many different materials, forms and textured surfaces and can be put on as a solid color, in layers or using stencils and patterns. Many other materials used for adding pattern and color to a space are more permanent (like glued wall panels, wallpaper, carpet, tile, ceiling tiles) and are harder to remove, repair, don’t fit well in odd spaces or require special installation. Depending on the desired look, it can take a bit of time to get paint right, but it is also a medium which anyone can use to make an unique impact to a space. Paint can be used to create identity, make a bold statement, highlight a special element or tie several spaces together.
Check out these clever ways paint was used to make a distinct statement in a space:
images from dezeen, lucas allen, bo bedre, yatzer, turquoise interiors, and EM design studio