I am truly thrilled to be stepping into a leadership role at Introspecs. While designing and running operations may not seem as glamorous as moving to Copenhagen, I am very excited to dig in and continue executing terrific Introspecs projects. Allisen has established an incredible foundation for Introspecs based on personal relationships, attention to detail, intuitive functionality, and a timeless aesthetic. I will look to preserve these values, while adding my own colorful flair to the mix.
As a graduate of the University of Nebraska’s College of Architecture, I have taken every opportunity to design, learn about the building process, and increase my professional understanding. This has continued as I have worked with Allisen + our amazing partners at Introspecs, and I am excited to build upon this knowledge to make our firm even stronger. As a designer my main goal is to create spaces that improve our clients’ quality of life, honor a building’s architectural history, and that are, simply put, beautiful. I love to play with color and pattern both subtly + dramatically to accomplish these aims in a unique way.
There is always more to be said and learned about architecture + design so to all partners, clients, and collaborators who are reading this that I have not yet met, please do not hesitate to contact me! I am always up for coffee, a beer, and an exciting conversation. Thank you for reading + I am looking forward to getting to know you all!